$25 for the Entire 17 week season

Easy to play. Just pick one winner straight up (No spreads) each week. Win, you live to pick again the following week. Loose and you are OUT!


Entry Fees and Payouts

Entry fees:$25 per person, payable up front. Money must be received no later than Thursday, September 6th. If your payment is not received, you will be dropped from the pool.



What does my $25 pay for?ALL money will be dispersed as prizes at the end of the season. Winner Take All!






Rules and Instructions

All entry fees must be paid no later than Thursday, September 6, 2018.

Payments made online, via Venmo or Square Cash are preferred.

See payment information here.

Cash can be sent to:

Kevin Struck 10064 Armadillo Dr. Lone Tree, CO 80124

Checks are not permitted.

If we do not have your fee by Thursday, Sept 7th prior to the start of the first game, your entry into the pool will be removed.

There will be NO refunds. If you quit before the end of the season you can sell your spot to whoever you like for whatever you can get and they will assume your account going forward.

The site is operated by CBS Sports. You must sign up for an account at CBSSports. You may also sign in with your Facebook or Google+ account if you prefer.


Note: Once the number of players has been determined the actual winning pot be determined and will be published to the website. All entry fees will be paid to the winner.

Picks: Pick ONE Team each week. You may only use a team once per season. This is a straight-up pick. Point spreads are not used. If the team you picked loses you are out of the pool. If the team you picks wins, you survive to pick again the following week. If the team you pick ties, this is considered a loss, and you are out. The last person left standing wins. If there is more than one person remaining at the end of the season (Week 17), the pot will be split equally among those remaining. The pool runs during the regular NFL Football season. Pre-Season and Post-Season play is not part of the contest.

Due Dates: One Hour Before the Weeks First Game – All Games will lock one hour before the scheduled start of the weeks first game. 

Lock Out:  Games for each day will lock one hour before the scheduled start of the weeks first game. 


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